The Distributor Computer Systems, Inc.’s SUCCESSis System includes the application software necessary to perform record keeping, inventory control, financial and sales analysis, management information, and other business functions in a multi-branch environment.
Our SUCCESSis System incorporates more than 300 separate functions and reports that have been specifically designed for your industry. The application software is organized to handle all aspects of your business needs and includes the following application modules:
- Sales Order Processing
- Automatic Pricing
- Accounts Receivable & Cash Receipts
- Inventory Management
- Purchasing & Receiving
- Branch Accounting and Stock Transfers
- Accounts Payable
- General Ledger
- Sales Analysis
These application modules are fully integrated within the SUCCESSis System. Any action taken in one area will automatically be reflected in the records that relate to all other areas of your business affected by that action. For example, the entry of an order will automatically update inventory files for all items included in that order. An invoice updates the accounts receivable, sales database, and general ledger records.
The following is a brief description of the more important business operations handled by the system including some of the key features and reports available in each:
Sales Order Processing
Sales Order Processing
Wholesale distributors recognize the need to link customer orders from inside and outside salespeople all the way to the customer's doorstep. The SUCCESSis © System gives you real-time order status, inventory visibility and tracking to boost operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The SUCCESSis © System allows for a wide variety of order types to be entered within its format. The SUCCESSis © System’s multifaceted order automation and order fulfillment helps you tackle the challenges of, partial ship and drop-shipping requirements, special order items and dynamic order volumes. This flexible approach will display and update all appropriate information pertaining to: The Customer including: name, address, ship-to address, normal price code, credit verification, and terms. The Order line information including: Item number, description, substitute if needed, quantity ordered, quantity allocated, quantity backordered, quantity available, and date needed; pricing options include, unlimited matrix, customer exception, contract, quantity break by product, quantity break by invoice, special promotional and manual override. When applicable, special sales will display along with vendor and purchase order information, depending upon the type of order being written.
The Kit/Fabrication feature allows you to sell a complex product (a product composed of other products) at the proper selling price while handling inventory levels appropriately. You are able to record serial number/warranty information as necessary at any time after you create the order. Reports and screen searches will allow you to refer to this information whenever the need arises. Override capabilities enable you to change sold-to, ship-to, order type, branch, item description, taxes and to add other charges. In addition to this, all line-item information can be changed. The system utilizes a unique "short name,” reference number or keyword approach that can quickly find a product and customer without ever having to use system generated numbers.
Ecommerce for Distributors
Ecommerce for Wholesale Distribution
Your website can make or break your success. The SUCCESSis © System’s ecommerce solution for wholesale distribution helps you leverage the web to grow your business faster and more cost effectively, and deliver an intuitive experience to your customers and partners.
Financial Management
Financial Management Software
Improve your cash flow and power business performance with the best solution for on-demand financials. The SUCCESSis© System’s financial management software solution provides businesses the tools they need to manage their accounting and management metrics.
Accounts Payable
The SUCCESSis © System accounts payable system integrates purchasing and receiving, and interfaces both with inventory control. Features include: Automatic purchase order, Real time Receiving and inventory updates, Vendor invoice verification, Cash requirements reporting, Accounts payable check preparation, Automatic general ledger updating, outstanding checks and bank reconciliation for multiple accounts
Accounts Receivable
This feature of the system is fully integrated with the order entry and invoicing functions. Therefore, all accounts receivable records are current as of the last invoice creation and cash posting. In addition, the system prepares aged trial balances, open item and balance forward statements, cash receipt reports, and automatic general ledger updating. The system will permit you to inquire about a customer's account status at any time without having to wait for ongoing functions to be completed. Easy display of detailed customer receivable balances on demand, automatic credit checking, and single-entry cash posting, all work to control your receivables, improve your collection efforts and your cash flow.
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Effective inventory management allows a distributor to meet or exceed customer expectations of product availability with the quantity of each product or component that will maximize your company’s net profit while minimizing your companies total inventory investment. SUCCESSis system inventory management capabilities give you real-time control over key supply chain processes. Achieve breakthrough efficiencies with such features as automated proposed purchase order requirements for demand-based stock replenishment, advanced inventory location and lot management with real-time inventory tracking. With SUCCESSis © inventory updates are performed as a function of order or sales ticket entries and purchase receipts. The system will perform a wide variety of tasks to enable you to control this highly critical distribution function. It will also supply reports upon which to base important decisions. These areas include: stock status, stock turnover, inactive items, and inventory value based on FIFO and/or moving average. "Turn and earn" reporting at the company, branch, product group and item levels will allow you to plan and track your business results on a return on asset basis. The product history feature will allow you to save almost any characteristic of any product for as many years (month by month) as you wish. This information can then be displayed on your screen or reported to paper, at your option.
Purchasing & Receiving
Purchasing and Receiving
The SUCCESSis © System’s automated purchase planning capability helps you achieve best-in-class inventory management and ensure that you have the right balance of inventory to meet anticipated demand. Using SUCCESSis © Proposed Purchase Order process can ensure that you've accurately planned for anticipated sales and closed the loop in your supply chain to meet demand. Based on variables such as vendor terms and concessions available, historical demand, and service level objectives, the purchasing system will: Recommend how much of each item should be bought. With your approval prepare the purchase order. It will report which purchase orders are still open. In a multi-branch company, branch transfers will enable you to replenish stock with excesses from other branches.
Branch Accounting & Stock Transfers
Branch Accounting and Stock Transfers
The system was designed to accommodate a multi-branch environment throughout all modules. As branches are added, SUCCESSis © System reacts without the need for costly and disruptive software modification. Accounting, pricing, costing, and reporting are all available by branch. From order or sale entry through general ledger, branch identity is preserved. Data entry can be accomplished remotely or centrally without destroying branch integrity. Special customer and vendor records are maintained for each branch. These records permit the stock transfer process to flow as normal shipping and receiving without affecting accounts receivable or payable. Inventory records reflect transfers by month and year-to-date (both quantity and frequency) and transfers in-transit.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
The SUCCESSis © System accounts payable system integrates purchasing and receiving, and interfaces both with inventory control. Features include: Automatic purchase order, Real time Receiving and inventory updates, Vendor invoice verification, Cash requirements reporting, Accounts payable check preparation, Automatic general ledger updating, outstanding checks and bank reconciliation for multiple accounts.
General Ledger
General Ledger
The general ledger accounting module is fully automated and integrated with every facet of the system except for inventory book posting. It provides: Daily business summaries, Automatic preparation of financial statements, Complete audit trails, Budget and historical reporting. Profit and loss statements can be run for branches and the entire company. The system has the flexibility to create detailed general ledger accounts and sub accounts for controlled distribution of finances.Sales Analysis
Sales Analysis
Sales information is updated continuously and is available upon demand. The analysis features include sales by customer, by salesman, and by item or product group. A variety of reports also analyze customer activity by month and year-to-date. All sales reports show both gross margin dollars and percentage.

Bryan Campbell